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community AND support: 


ESOL Classes with Creche

(English for Speakers of Other Languages)

Recreational and creative sessions eg ​Drama, craft, parties 


Donations room

Food delivery

One-to-one help accessing key services, crisis support and specialist help 

Jasmine Garden project

"I want to say “a BIG THANKS” to our teachers and to every person who are involved in this work. Thank you for your hard work, your passion for English language and for us, womens! Thank you for your interesting way to teach us, I love to be there and I love to learn English with you 😊, never was boring for me. I can feel peace in this place, happiness, safety and how every person have value for you all!
THANK YOU! With love, Victorița."

(TWC ESOL student, WhatsApp message, 2025)

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